Blog index
Forest Bathing
Michael Littlechild Charity walk for the Limbless Association
Summer Kaleidoscope of colour
Wheatear Sighting
Pilgrimage Detour to St. Lawrence
Why you should take your mobile with you when you go for a hike.
Spring has sprung on the Isle of Wight
RSPB Bird watch Survey
The Gentle art of Tramping
love your local landscape.
Ten things to do in January
How to walk safely in the dark
Roam Free on the Isle of wight
Steam Railway Funding
New Mountain Bike Route for 2012
Winter welcomes the snow drops
Packing List
Wight Gold
Happy New Year
Our Isle of Wight Bird Race
Merry Christmas
let it snow let it snow
Favorite Isle of Wight Walk
December birds
Walking Snacks
Michael Littlechild Charity walk for the Limbless Association
Summer Kaleidoscope of colour
Wheatear Sighting
Pilgrimage Detour to St. Lawrence
Why you should take your mobile with you when you go for a hike.
Spring has sprung on the Isle of Wight
RSPB Bird watch Survey
The Gentle art of Tramping
love your local landscape.
Ten things to do in January
How to walk safely in the dark
Roam Free on the Isle of wight
Steam Railway Funding
New Mountain Bike Route for 2012
Winter welcomes the snow drops
Packing List
Wight Gold
Happy New Year
Our Isle of Wight Bird Race
Merry Christmas
let it snow let it snow
Favorite Isle of Wight Walk
December birds
Walking Snacks
Wheatear Sighting
Thursday 19th September 2013
We walked along the cliff path above Thorncross near Brighstone this morning and spent some time watching a small flock of birds in a stubble field that at first we thought were skylarks at a distance. We took some photos and looked up what they were when we got home and worked out they were a first for me and were wheatears.They are summer visitors and stay for a short time along the coast as they migrate to their wintering grounds in Africa. They had spent the breeding season in the upland areas of Northern Britain. Pretty birds with a flush of orange on their breast and black cheeks.
RSPB website gives more details.